Specialized translation of engineering texts is not just a word or phrase. It includes a wide range of hundreds of specialized fields of translation. Each of which includes a wide range of thousands of terms, words and concepts.

In specialized translation of engineering, the range of concepts and words of different disciplines is so great. Specialized translations of these texts place them in a key position in engineering and even other sciences. This is where using a professional translator of engineering texts becomes a must.


Importance of professional translation of engineering texts

Translation of engineering texts and articles leads to faster development of society. A good and excellent translation is always needed to know the contents of engineering texts, books, and articles written in other countries.

However, how to access such translation has not always been easy for researchers and students. Many questions have occupied their minds. Whether the specialized translation of engineering texts is the same as the translation of texts in other disciplines? Or it is different from them? Can every translator translate engineering texts?

How can a good translation help publish an engineering article in a reputable international journal? The level of sensitivity in this field is such that with a mistake in translation, sometimes the transmission of the meaning of the text changes. Or the audience becomes confused in understanding the sentence and message of the text.

Therefore, it can be said that specialized translation of engineering articles has a difficult and complex process. It can be done correctly and correctly only by observing some points and rules.

When we talk about specialized translation, we mean both the field of engineering and translation of the language in question. Therefore, a translator must be proficient in both fields. In order to be able to properly translate engineering texts properly.

For example, when a person is only proficient in translating a language and intends to translate an engineering article or book from that language to the target language but has no information about engineering, he or she will certainly not be able to translate professionally well! Because understanding the concepts and terms of engineering in the translation process is a must and inseparable.


The main audience of specialized translation of engineering texts

Engineering students: Most of their academic resources are devoted to the study of foreign texts with thousands of specific engineering terms and terms.

Professors and Scholars: who seek to research and publish their new studies in reputable scientific journals. For this group, fluent and error-free translation is also necessary. Because most professors and researchers do not have much time for translation. Existence of spelling and content errors in translation increases the likelihood of rejecting the article.

Given that many engineering terms do not have equivalents in other languages! Even an ordinary translator cannot do well in translating a text that contains these specific engineering terms and terms.

Therefore, the transfer of the concept, the equivalence of terms, and the understanding of the source and target language is the sole task of a professional translator. This translator can only be responsible for carrying out this important matter.

In the continuation of this article, we will give a complete and comprehensive explanation of the characteristics and criteria of an expert translator for translating engineering articles.

specialized branches of engineering

Specialized branches of engineering

Engineering deals with the design, evaluation, development, refinement, commissioning, review, and maintenance of a wide range of products and systems. Engineering science divided into various disciplines and trends to carry out this series of measures.

Each of the disciplines composed of a wide range of topics. Engineers must always study new scientific achievements in order to be able to analyze processes and investigate failures in systems.

In order to study new engineering articles and texts in different fields of this science, new branches and fields in the field of translation have been created. The most important of which are listed below. These professional translations include:

  • Electrical and electronics engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Urban Engineering
  • Industry Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Information Technology Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Agricultural Engineering
  • Materials Engineering
  • Mining Engineering
  • Architecture Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Textile engineering
  • Oil and petrochemical engineering
  • Marine Engineering

Each of the engineering disciplines has different tendencies under its sub-branch. If we want to describe these tendencies in the form of a list, will be long. The important point is that not only is translating the texts of any engineering discipline required by an expert translator in that discipline, but this is also true of the trends and sub-disciplines of each engineering discipline.

To translate specialized texts of any orientation, a translator should be used who, in addition to translation expertise, is also familiar with that engineering orientation. For this purpose, the Coverdale generally uses university graduates of any engineering field at the university level who also have specialized translation skills and knowledge.

Awareness of the foundation of scientific foundations and mastering the basic knowledge is one of the duties of any engineering. There is a direct relationship between this awareness and mastery with the translation of engineering texts.

Who is an expert translator of engineering texts?

Specialized translation of engineering texts consists of the intertwining of several disciplines, because engineering texts are not a specific discipline and there are different dimensions of different disciplines in it.

how is expert translator

how is expert translator of engineering texts in dubai

So the question is: How can a quality and acceptable translation be achieved given the wide range of engineering disciplines? Can anyone be used for engineering translation? Is machine translation or literal applied to specialized engineering texts?

In answer to these questions that may have occupied the minds of many who need translation services, it should be noted that due to the complexity and abundance of specialized terms and vocabulary of engineering texts, only a professional translator should be used. But what kind of translator called a professional translator of engineering texts?

As mentioned, engineering is not a special field in which a person has studied and can translate its texts and articles. Therefore, anyone who translates engineering texts must have studied at least one of the engineering disciplines and be familiar with the engineering alphabet.

An expert translator of engineering texts can be familiar with all the hidden angles of translation work after working in the field of translation for many years. A professional translator of engineering texts must have a passion for learning! Because the scope of engineering disciplines is large, and consequently the number of topics that the translator will encounter during the translation process is very large.

An expert translator of engineering texts must have requirements and characteristics in order to be able to translate English engineering texts well.

important characteristics of expert translators of engineering texts

Our specialist translators: experts in their field – Coverdale

4 important characteristics of expert translators of engineering texts

1- They must be familiar with the source language

The source language in the world of translation is the language that translate into the target language. Needless to say, the source language is not always the same, and any of the common languages abroad may be part of it. This is one of the reasons why specialized translation work is not limit to ordinary people. It is not even the work of an ordinary translator.

Since engineering sciences are more advanced in European and East Asian countries than in other parts of the world! The number of articles and books written on engineering sciences in these countries is higher than in other countries.

An expert translator of engineering texts and books must be fully familiar with the scientific language of these countries. In order to be able to translate scientific concepts and terms in the best possible way.

The training of skilled, creative, professional and competent engineers achieved only when they use the latest achievements and scientific articles in the world. We at the Coverdale have done this in the best possible way. That is why the specialized translation of engineering in this company is excellent and perfect.

2- They must be proficient in the culture and literature of the destination country

Given that there is a structural difference between the sentences of the language and literature of the country of origin and destination, the literal translation will sometimes be meaningless and incomprehensible.

For this reason, in addition to a complete and professional mastery of the source language (English or any other language), an expert translator of engineering books must also have a good knowledge of the grammar of the destination country.

He/she must be familiar with the position of sentence elements such as verb, subject, object, and other rules of target grammar. Why? In order to be able to perform his important task completely and correctly in translating and converting engineering texts that associated with many verbal complexities.

3- They must have sufficient knowledge in the field of writing

The accessibility and fluency of the word in translating is another characteristic. An expert translator must pay special attention to, especially in the case of engineering texts. Engineering texts in foreign languages such as English, French, German, etc. by themselves have a heavy word and special engineering terms. Undoubtedly, in case of machine translation and software, the addressee of the destination country will faced with a heavy and incomprehensible text! And will not have a correct and complete understanding of the overall concept and message of the text or the purpose of the text author.

4- They must have the ability to equate terms

The progress of engineering sciences does not stop and new fields are add to this science every day. New inventions and discoveries give rise to new words and terms that have no equivalent in other languages.

Equivalence of engineering terms is a highly specialized subject that has a high sensitivity and complexity. An ordinary translator cannot handle this task. In order to equate specialized terms and vocabulary of engineering texts, the work should be left to the expert.

An expert in this field is a professional translator who can equate terms with the knowledge and experience he has gained over the years. The ability to make equations requires a lot of perseverance and skill. It is not necessarily possible to bring this ability to the fore just by gaining experience.

The best company providing specialized translation services in the world

Coverdale is the best translation service company in the world

How specialized translation done in the Coverdale?

The scope of the subject of specialized translation of engineering texts is so wide. Despite all the efforts made in this topic, we may still not have been able to address all aspects and broad angles of this concept.

When this is the case, we faced with a world of terms, concepts, different linguistic structures, contract words, and so on. The emergence of new inventions and solutions will lead to the birth of new words and expressions in every language and every field of engineering.

In this situation, even the idea of translating engineering texts by ordinary people is impossible and unimaginable. The need for an expert translator in the world of technology and engineering is a necessary and undeniable subject.

Given these circumstances, the Coverdale has emerged to address the needs and concerns of a wide range of students and academics in the field of specialized translation of engineering texts.

The institute has several translators in all engineering disciplines. All of these translators have been carefully selected. They can provide specialized translations of all engineering texts, articles, books and dissertations with the best quality.

To register an order for specialized translation of engineering texts in this institute, it is enough to refer to the order registration section. Your order will be priced in a short period of time. An expert translator in the same field of engineering will  assigne to translate it.

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